Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wat is 'n Verjaarsdag?

Volgens Wikipedia: Birthday is the name given to the date of the anniversary of the day of a person's birth.

Dit klink so "boring", is dit nie? Maar eintlik is verjaarsdae "boring", mens sien so uit na die dag en as dit gebeur, is dit maar net nog 'n dag! Maar hierdie aanhalings oor verjaarsdae gee mens se eie, unieke dag, heeltemal 'n ander kleur. Lees bietjie wat se die bekendes (en minder bekendes), van Verjaarsdae...

"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time." -- Jean Paul Richter

Is dit nie pragtig nie?

"The more things change, the more they remain the same." -- Alphonse Karr

So waar...

"A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age." -- Robert Frost

Voorwaar 'n slim man... ek dink nie hy is so gebore nie...!

"Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest." -- Larry Lorenzoni


"A well adjusted woman is one who not only knows what she wants for her birthday, but even knows what she's going to exchange it for." -- Anonymous

En ook weet wat BAIE kosbaar is!

"There is still no cure for the common birthday." -- John Glenn

Dis nou 'n feit soos 'n koei, ons almal het verjaarsdae, maak nie saak hoe jonk of oud, ryk of arm ons is nie

"Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again." -- Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Hierdie is my "favourite"!

"We know we're getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it." -- Anonymous

Hmm... dis nou as die "hot flushes" ons in elk geval daaraan herinner!

"A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip." -- Anonymous

Ek het besluit om elke dag, vir die volgende 365 dae, iets spesiaals te doen (enige idees?)

"Birthdays are just nature's way of telling us to eat more cake." - - Anonymous

Ek't nie 'n verjaarsdag nodig om my te laat koek eet nie :O)

"Think of birthdays this way: you're not getting older, you're getting wiser."-- Anonymous

Ek weet nie altyd of dit so waar is nie...

"You have no birthday because you have always lived; you were never born, and never will die. You are not the child of the people you call mother and father, but their fellow-adventurer on a bright journey to understand the things that are." -- Richard Bach

Dis diep... ek dink nie ons is veronderstel om ... " to understand the things that are" nie. Miskien net 'n bietjie daarvan!

"Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end." -- Richard Bach

Hierdie is pragtig, wens ek kon al die pragtige wense wat ek op my verjaarsdag gekry het, in botteltjies prop en op 'n rak sit (langs die pienk spookasem wolke). sal dit nie lekker wees om elke af en toe een oop te maak en van voor af te geniet nie

Hierdie aanhaling kry ek vanoggend:

On seeing his shadow fall on such ancient rocks, he had to question himself in a different context and ask the same old question as before, "Who am I?", and the answer now came more emphatically than ever before, "No-one." But a no-one with a crown of light about his head. He would remember a verse from Pindar: "Man is a dream about a shadow. But when some splendour falls upon him from God, a glory comes to him and his life is sweet." ~ R. S. Thomas ~

My wish for you....

A dream is a wish your heart makes

and my heart makes a wish for you

That you may find a rainbow

where all your dreams will come true.

May there be sunlight ever streaming

into your heart each day,

May you find the hand of friendship

along each new highway.

And may loving arms enfold you

when you need someone to care.

And may your heart know that my heart

is with you everywhere....

Ek hoop jou nuwe lewensjaar is gevul met liefde.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ons geliefde see

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand…" Isaiah 40:12a (NIV)My family and I love to vacation at the beach. As my husband and I sit digging our toes into the warm white sand, our children play in the emerald green salt water. The massive size of the ocean always reminds me that God is bigger and more wonderful than my mind can comprehend. I'm always compelled to quote out loud Isaiah 40:12 while sitting on the beach:"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?" (NIV)What a superb reminder of God's mighty power in the creation o f the universe and galaxies. Even more amazing, He measured the span of them between His thumb and first finger. Hold those fingers up and look at their span for a moment. Now imagine God looking at the space between His thumb and first finger while saying, "I think I'll make the universe about that big." If that doesn't give you a picture of just how big our wondrous God is, think about this: He poured the oceans from the palm of His hand! Oh, friend, when I gaze upon a huge body of water that could swallow me up in an instant, and I realize that God, at some moment in time, held the entire ocean in the palm of His hand, it simply blows me away!As I consider this truth, I find myself awestruck by the greatness and glory of our God. The Lord God is so gigantic that He knows every creature that lives in that great body of water. He sees every ship that sails its waves. With a God this big, what could ever escape His attention? What need could we have that He cannot handle? Where could we go that we are not in His presence? What on the earth, above the earth, in the earth, or below the earth can make us afraid? Certainly, we can place our trust in a God so big that even the ocean waves obey their boundaries.And yet we doubt instead of having boundless faith in an unbound God. We live in fear instead of living carefree in the care of God. Let me ask you—what person or thing can compare to Him? Who or what is more stable than God? Is anything more powerful or glorious? Too often I forget the wonder of God even though all of creation declares His glory. I need to remind myself daily of His greatness. In doing so, all my fears tend to fade in the light of His presence.Today will you take time to recall how great and magnificent He is? Do it again tomorrow and the next day, too. See if you don't find yourself awestruck by the One so magnificent we can scarcely wrap our minds around the thought of Him. But, oh how we need to try! It will do wonders for our faith and put to death our fears that smother our peace. Nothing gives me hope nor soothes my anxieties like meditating on the attributes of God. For what's impossible for a God who holds the whole world in His hands? Nothing—absolutely nothing!Dear Lord, You are Lord of all and over all, whether Your people acknowledge it or not. All of Your creation declares Your greatness and beauty. Stir my heart to worship You so that the rocks don't have to cry out. You are worthy of all my praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Terwyl ons nou so op die onderwerp van vrees is; ek lees vandag die:

Courage is the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.
— Mark Twain

Reflections on a birthday

Hierdie simpel ou fototjie het ek gister geneem toe ek Marelie by die skool gaan haal het. Dit het vroeer gesneeu (kan jy glo my eerste sneeu verjaarsdag in 41 jaar!!!) en die lig was ongelooflik skerp. Die son het so half uitgekom en op die wit sneeu weerkaats dat ons amper nie mekaar kon sien nie.

So ja eks nou nog 'n jaar ouer en hopelik darem bietjie wyser ook as 20 jaar gelede! Ek lees hierdie nou die dag in 'n advertensie in 'n tydskrif en besluit sommer dis my nuwe motto vir my 41ste lewensjaar.

Fear less, Hope more

Whine less , Breathe more

Talk less, Say more

Hate less, Love more

O ja en ek herinner Twiggy elke oggend aan hare ook - Bark less, Wag more

Nou nie dat ek weet of enige van ons twee iets hiervan gaan regkry nie, maar ons gaan try.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jou verjaarsdag

My liewe, liewe Vriendin

Ek het so gehoop ek kon vandag jou stem hoor en het jou probeer skype. Dis 'n spesiale dag vir jou en ek hoop julle 3 vier dit op 'n baie spesiale manier! Jy het in 2007 vir my 'n kaartjie gestuur met hierdie pragtige woorde en ek wil dit vandag vir jou ook gee:

How many hours have we talked away? How many nights have we been there for each other, trying to figure out the hows and whys of life...How often have we laughed so hard over things that weren't really that funny, or celebrated victories that only friends could understand the real importance of? Do you know how many times I've looked at you and thought to myself, "I'm so glad she's my friend"?... more times than you'll ever know!

Baie, baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag, Ellen. Ek hoop hierdie jaar is VOL wonderlike, heerlike, uitspattige, asemrowende, verruklike verassings en is 'n absolute stunning jaar! Ek verlang so na jou en hoop ons kan op 'n stadium weer bietjie face-to-face kuier

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ongelooflike dag

Ons het vanoggend die honde Bonza Bay toe gevat, dit was so verskriklik mooi op die strand en hulle 2 (en natuurlik De Villiers) het hulle self gate uit geniet.

Ons is vanmiddag na ons bietjie gerus, Gonubie se strand toe, daar was nog steeds nie 'n windjie (nie so lekker vir die surfers nie!)

Friday, March 6, 2009 Volwassene

Ek kry vandag die pragtige email... wens dit was moontlik om weer so sorgvry soos 'n kind te leef...

Hiermee dien ek amptelik my bedanking as volwassene in. Ek het besluit om weer al die verantwoordelikhede van 'n 8 jarige te aanvaar. Ek wil McDonald's toe en dink dat dit 'n 4 ster restaurant is. Ek wil weer stokkies oor 'n reën poeletjie laat seil en 'n sypaadjie pak met klippe en aan-aan speel. Ek wil weer dink dat Smarties beter as geld is want jy kan die goed eet. Ek wil op 'n warm somersdag onder 'n groot skaduboom lê en saam met my pellies lê en droom met 'n grassie innie kies.Ek wil weer terugkeer na 'n tyd toe die lewe eenvoudig was, jou kennis beperk was tot kleure, maal en deel tafels en Siembamba. Dit het jou nie getraak dat jy nie geweet het wat jy nie geweet het nie, so what ! Al wat jy geweet het was om gelukkig te wees want jy was salig onbewus van al die dinge wat jou moes ontstel of laat worry soos vrypuisies byvoorbeeld.Ek wil weer dink dat die lewe goed en regverdig is, en dat almal eerlik en opreg is. Ek wil weer glo dat enigiets moontlik is. Ek wil salig onbewus wees van die kompleksiteite van die lewe en weer opgewonde raak oor die klein goedjies in die lewe soos gekleurde popcorn.Ek wil weer eenvoudig lewe. Ek soek nie dae wat bestaan uit computers wat crash nie, berge papierwerk, nuus wat depress nie , hoe om meer dae in die maand te hanteer as wat daar geld in die bank is nie, doktersrekeninge, skinder, siektes, en die verlies van geliefdes.Ek wil weer glo in die krag van 'n glimlag, drukkies, 'n vriendelike woord, die Waarheid soos wat dit in die Begin bedoel was, regverdigheid, vrede, drome, die verbeelding, die mens sonder sy maskers en skuins motiewe, en sommer net modderkoekies bak.So . .. hier is my tjekboek en my motorsleutels, my krediet kaartrekeninge en sommer die hele kaboedel wat soos grootmens lyk.Ek bedank offisiëel as volwassene.As jy hierdie saak nog verder wil uitpluis of wat ook al jou intensie is, moet jy my eers inhol, want..." Touch! Jy kan my nie vaaaang nie!! "Kom ons word weer soos kinders want dis tog aan hulle wat die Koninkryk behoort, Die eenvoudige dinge in die lewe is baie keer die kosbaarhede wat ons op ons oudag sal onthou.'n Lekker druk van my af .Ek hoop jy val langs my in !
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood" (Helen Keller)

De Villiers was vannaand heeltemal bereid om net so vuil in die bed te klim! Hierdie foto doen nie regtig "justice" aan hoe vuil hy was nie... dit was iets vreesliks!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Die sisterhood

Women Judging Women
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble..." 1 Peter 5:5 (NIV)

How differently might our lives be if we women didn't have to fear the harsh criticisms of other women? Might we be willing to step out a little bolder for Jesus? Might we be willing to be a little more vulnerable? Might we live our lives a little less guarded?Oh sweet sisters, women judging other women must absolutely break God's heart. The crazy thing is when we judge others, we elevate ourselves past the ability to recognize our own propensity to sin in the very area we are criticizing. Show me a woman who is leveling a judgment against another person, and I will show you a woman who is wrapped in sin herself.If it's not the very same sin she's criticizing, it will be a sin just as dangerous - pride.It is a subtle shift that Satan invites us into. Voicing criticisms against others will coat the eyes of our soul with smut so thick, we become blinded to our own sin. Pride and self-righteousness will detour us from God's best path and lead us on a treacherous journey of denial. We'll deny our own sinfulness. We'll deny our own need for grace.Those who can't see their own desperate need for grace, refuse to freely give grace to others.Now, if you're like me, you may be tempted to start making a mental list of those who you have felt judged by and you started praying a few sentences back: "Please let so and so read today's devotion. Oh I hope she sees herself in this and gets a whammy of conviction."But, let's stop making that mental list and receive this message personally. Even if we aren't naturally critical people, this is an area we can all grow in.I recently read a wonderful quote outlining a beautiful plan when we feel tempted to judge someone else.

Francis Frangipane in his book Holiness, Truth, and the Presence of God says, "Anyone can pass judgment - but can they lay down their lives in love, intercession and faith for the one judged? Can they target an area of need and rather than criticizing, fast and pray, asking God to supply the very virtue they feel lacking? And then persevere in that love - motivated prayer until that fallen area blooms in godliness? Such is the life Christ commands we follow!" If it causes even one of us to fall in front of Jesus in repentance and allow Him to wipe the smut of pride and self-righteousness from our spiritual eyes- it will be a great start. Now, let me be that one.

Dear Lord, may I first fall in repentance into Your loving arms of grace. Thank You for the harsh ways I have been judged lately for it opened my eyes to this stinging way we women can be. Forgive me for not extending grace at times to others. I am a woman who desperately needs it - so, I should be a woman who freely offers it. When I am tempted to be critical of someone else, help me hold my thoughts and my tongue. Instead of voicing those things, help me bring them to You in honest and heartfelt prayers for that person. May I be one who is so motivated by love, that I will persevere in my prayers for that person until I see You working in glorious ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Action Steps:The next time I feel critical of someone else, I want an action plan so that I can respond biblically. Don't you? Why not write out today's scripture verses on an index card and carry them in your purse. Below the Scriptures write, "Instead of criticizing, I will commit this person to prayer. I will stand in the gap for them with love and persevere in my prayers. I commit to keep my mouth closed but my heart wide open."

Pienk Spookasem

Vanoggend tewyl ek hare droogmaak sien ek die wolke deur die venster - dit was ongelooflik mooi; pienk wolkies in die weste

en toe ek uitgaan sien ek die stunning sonsopkoms - ek wens ek was op die strand want dit moes iets ongeloofliks gewees het.

En dan kry mens die as 'n dagstukkie...:
Ah, I hear him - my beloved! Here he comes, leaping upon the mountains and bounding over the hills.Song of Solomon 2:8, LB
There is only one point where we can hear him. It's the point where our spirit connects to his Spirit. This is where we hear the voice of God speak into our hearts.This doesn't happen easily. Just as we need to be connected on the internet before we can receive any message. But so many times something interrupts the connection. There may be some error preventing it. There may be other voices on the line. There may be ‘Spam' getting in the way or faults in the hardware or it may be wrongly set up, or have an incorrect password. But once the right connection is established we can communicate from one side of the world to the other. What an amazing wonder.But far more amazing is the fact that we can connect to our eternal God, who inhabits time and space and knows the end from the beginning. Our password is ‘Jesus'. ‘Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name given under heaven given among men by which we must be saved' (Acts 4:12).We need the sacrifice that was made on the cross, where Jesus shed his blood for us. This removes the errors on our line and guards and protects us as we communicate. We need to know the truth of the Scriptures to have the right ‘set up' and we need an open heart to receive all that God has for us.However, God is not in a box, He can speak through a burning bush, or a ‘still small voice' or an angel, or even through the ‘world wide web', but He needs us to have that open listening spirit.Let us ‘hear him' as He comes to us. Maybe in this year He's calling to you, and maybe you will hear him in a new, intimate way or recognise His voice for the first time. He does say that His sheep recognise His voice and follow Him, ‘My sheep recognise my voice, and I know them, and they follow me' (John 10:27).‘I heard the voice of Jesus say; come unto me and rest, Lay down Thou weary one, lay down, thy head upon my breast.I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad;I found in him a resting place, and He has made me glad.' Horatius BonarPrayer: I open my spirit to Your Spirit, Father, and draw near to seek Your face. Help me to know that ‘oneness' with you, deep inside. In Jesus' name, Amen.
... en jy besef net hoe groot God is, maar tog so naby ons. Ons hoef nie deur seremonies te gaan om met Hom te praat nie... is dit nie wonderlik nie?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ons hoef nie Sout te adverteer nie!

Ek lees vandag die dagstukkie:
Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again.Luke 14:34, GNB
Maybe you once had a nice meal. The table was beautifully set, the flowers were pretty, the atmosphere was relaxed and the food looked delicious. Everything was excellent, except for one thing - there wasn't enough salt in the steak. ‘I'll soon put that right', you thought, looking for the salt. But there wasn't any salt on the table.There was absolutely nothing wrong with the salt. But it wasn't where it should have been, so it wasn't any good to you. For what's the use of having plenty of salt in the cupboard, but none in the food? Our aim is not to keep salt in our cupboard.The characteristics of the Kingdom of God are wonderful: righteousness, peace and love. Everyone wants these things, but they must be where they're needed. The reality of the Kingdom of God should be in the character of men and women. It should be the driving force and the highest aim of people in schools, factories and offices. It should be there in journalists and politicians, and it should permeate the atmosphere in homes and churches. If it doesn't, what good is it? Who just wants to read books about righteousness, peace and love?Does anyone see the salt in the food on the table? Does anyone read on the menu ‘Steak, fried potatoes, mixed vegetables, and salt?' No, it's just there, and it makes itself known by the taste of the food. It's like the Kingdom of God in you. It doesn't have to be announced or advertised. You don't have to put on a show to prove that it's there. Just let it make its presence known by the atmosphere it creates, the peace of mind it gives, the convincing power it gives to your words, or the perseverance in doing good. The world doesn't need teaching about all this. It's crying out for the reality. The Kingdom of God can be a reality in your neighbourhood, when it's there in you. Don't for any reason demonstrate a watered down variety of the Kingdom. Just let the salt in you be there, and you'll be surprised how appetizing the things of God are to hungry people, and how they sense that you've got what they're missing! The salt in you is so good! It's from God!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Vandat ons die eerste keer besluit het om na Amerika te trek, het Ben en Marelie elkeen hulle eie agendas gehad om hierheen te kom. Vir Marelie was die droom Disneyworld en vir Ben - wat anders as Hawaii!! Ons is so ongelooflik bevoorreg om nou altwee hierdie drome te vervul. Ons is al vir 3 jaar besig om te spaar vir Ben se Hawaii trip en het besluit nou is die tyd om te gaan!! Ons het die ongelooflikste special gekry op vliegkaartjies wat ons net nie kon laat verbygaan nie. So ons vertrek die 17e Maart vir 'n week na Maui. Ben en Marelie is totaal uit hulle velle uit en kan nie meer wag nie.

Vir Valentynsdag besluit ek en Marelie toe om vir Ben 'n Hawaiian aand te hou. Ons het die tafel te mooi gedek, ons swempakkies (!!) aangetrek en met ons plastiekkranse om ons nekke vir hom gewag om huis toe te kom vd werk af. Dit was 'n ongelooflike prettige aand! Ek het allerhande sosaties en doopsouse gemaak wat hulle 2 ir my gebraai het. Moenie dat die glimlagte jou flous nie - dit was omtrent 2 grade C buite!!!

Ek het 'n dvd by Walmart gekoop wat sulke fotos van Maui wys en dan sulke Hula musiek speel vir die atmosfeer. Ai dit was vet pret en ons het baie gelag.

Ons gaan maar 'n redelike budget vakansie moet hou maar dis nog steeds net te wonderlik en ongelooflik dat ons actually soontoe gaan. Met die ekonomiese klimaat hier wat nie so waffers is nie is ons maar bekommerd dat ons tydjie hier dalk kort geknip kan word so ons gaan maar oe toeknyp en op vakansie gaan.

So hier is 'n paar fotos van ons klein luau.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

DeV se Verjaarsdag

Ons't die jaar se verjaarsdag so bietjie anders benader as gewoonlik. Eerstens omdat geld nie vreeslik volop is nie en tweedens omdat De Villiers ook bietjie moet leer waar geld vandaan kom. Hy wil verskriklik graag 'n Wii he, maar R4500 is baie geld om te betaal vir 'n 8-jarige se geskenk. Ons besluit toe om hom 'n keuse te gee: hy kan 'n klomp maatjies nooi en 'n partytjie he wat ons niks minder as R500 sal kos nie, of ons geen hom die R500 en hy sit dit by die geld wat hy al begin spaar het (Ben "betaal" hom vir sy werk wat hy by die shop doen , hy gee ook 'n "timesheet" in aan die einde van elke week :O) vir sy Wii. Hy besluit toe om die laaste opsie te vat; ons koek klas toe gestuur Woensdag en dit was dit. Ek is so trots op hom, hy spaar elke sent, letterlik! Hy stap nie by 'n 5c-stuk verby nie, alles word gespaar! Hy't nog 'n entjie om te gaan, maar ons sal hom seker maar die laaste entjie "haak". Ek het toe maar vir hom en sy beste maatjie James, gister Leeupark toe gevat (dis wat hulle wou doen!), by die huis kom swem, DVD's gekyk, pizza en roomys en, en... Die 2 het dit verskriklik geniet en ek was ook rustig! Hier's 'n paar foto's

Die verantwoordelikheid om 'n kind groot te maak is definitief groter as groot, maar dank die Here ons hoef dit nie alleen te doen nie!