How differently might our lives be if we women didn't have to fear the harsh criticisms of other women? Might we be willing to step out a little bolder for Jesus? Might we be willing to be a little more vulnerable? Might we live our lives a little less guarded?Oh sweet sisters, women judging other women must absolutely break God's heart. The crazy thing is when we judge others, we elevate ourselves past the ability to recognize our own propensity to sin in the very area we are criticizing. Show me a woman who is leveling a judgment against another person, and I will show you a woman who is wrapped in sin herself.If it's not the very same sin she's criticizing, it will be a sin just as dangerous - pride.It is a subtle shift that Satan invites us into. Voicing criticisms against others will coat the eyes of our soul with smut so thick, we become blinded to our own sin. Pride and self-righteousness will detour us from God's best path and lead us on a treacherous journey of denial. We'll deny our own sinfulness. We'll deny our own need for grace.Those who can't see their own desperate need for grace, refuse to freely give grace to others.Now, if you're like me, you may be tempted to start making a mental list of those who you have felt judged by and you started praying a few sentences back: "Please let so and so read today's devotion. Oh I hope she sees herself in this and gets a whammy of conviction."But, let's stop making that mental list and receive this message personally. Even if we aren't naturally critical people, this is an area we can all grow in.I recently read a wonderful quote outlining a beautiful plan when we feel tempted to judge someone else.
Francis Frangipane in his book Holiness, Truth, and the Presence of God says, "Anyone can pass judgment - but can they lay down their lives in love, intercession and faith for the one judged? Can they target an area of need and rather than criticizing, fast and pray, asking God to supply the very virtue they feel lacking? And then persevere in that love - motivated prayer until that fallen area blooms in godliness? Such is the life Christ commands we follow!" If it causes even one of us to fall in front of Jesus in repentance and allow Him to wipe the smut of pride and self-righteousness from our spiritual eyes- it will be a great start. Now, let me be that one.
Dear Lord, may I first fall in repentance into Your loving arms of grace. Thank You for the harsh ways I have been judged lately for it opened my eyes to this stinging way we women can be. Forgive me for not extending grace at times to others. I am a woman who desperately needs it - so, I should be a woman who freely offers it. When I am tempted to be critical of someone else, help me hold my thoughts and my tongue. Instead of voicing those things, help me bring them to You in honest and heartfelt prayers for that person. May I be one who is so motivated by love, that I will persevere in my prayers for that person until I see You working in glorious ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Action Steps:The next time I feel critical of someone else, I want an action plan so that I can respond biblically. Don't you? Why not write out today's scripture verses on an index card and carry them in your purse. Below the Scriptures write, "Instead of criticizing, I will commit this person to prayer. I will stand in the gap for them with love and persevere in my prayers. I commit to keep my mouth closed but my heart wide open."
Ek is so skuldig hieraan. Ek het actually oorgegaan tot aksie en dit neergeskryf en opgeplak by my werkstafel. Ek is seker die Here het 'n humorsin want net gistermiddag toe word ek getoets! Net na ek my goed vervies het vir 'n vrou kom ek toe ingestoom by my werkskamer en raai waarop val my oog toe eerste. Al wat ek kon doen was maar om te repent. Aaai ek ek het maar 'n lang pad om te gaan..............
ReplyDeleteOuch! Hierdie vat baie raak, maar dit is nou so presies soos wat die spreukwoord se: Die waarheid maak seer! Moenie jouself as uniek beskou nie, Vriendin, ek dink nie daar is baie vroue wat in alle eerlikheid en opregtheid kan se dat hulle nie hieraan skuldig is nie. Mag die Here deur Sy Heilige Gees ons aanspreek elke keer wat ons hieroor struikel... ek laat sak my kop in skaamte, maar dankie dat ons 'n genadige God aanbid wat ons vergewe, 'n God wat in die hede en toekoms werk en vergeet van ons verlede!