Saturday, February 7, 2009

Unless the Lord builds the house

Ek kom vandag op die stukkie waarheid af en besef hoeveel tyd ons al in ons lewens gemors het omdat ons besluite geneem het wat buite God se Wil was. Die onderste lyntjie is dat aan die einde van die dag ons self die oorsaak van ons eie ontevredenheid en ongeluk is. Die "trick" is nou om 'n 180 grade draai te maak...
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain. Psalm 127:1, NIV
When the truth of this Scripture dawned on me, I got a shock. It was clear to me that my life could be compared with the house and I could be compared with the labourer. Whatever I did in my life that was not in accordance with God's will for it would be useless. The Oxford dictionary describes ‘in vain' as meaning ‘to no purpose, with no result, uselessly'.Understanding this Scripture was a turning point in my life because I do not want to spend my life doing things that are to no purpose in God's eyes. I began examining the motives we have for some of the things that we do. Sometimes it is to please the selfish person within. It may be to please others and gain their favour or acceptance. It could be to build self-esteem by exhibiting our capabilities. We may exhaust our energy serving others, or, perhaps, as a payment to God for some sin or possibly because we see ourselves as indispensable to some people or situations. These are just a few of the motives that spur us on. None of these come from God.Having spent many years of my life as a doer, I am learning to go slowly before I act, to examine my motives and prayerfully to ask God whether what I am about to do is of him.Clearly we are not called to submit every tiny action to God, like, for example, whether we have an apple or an orange for breakfast. God means us to make most routine decisions on our own. There are also times when we submit a decision we have to make to God and he tells us to choose.What about the times when we have prayed and prayed and still do not know what God is saying? It seems that when we prayerfully and carefully move in the direction that seems right, God redirects us if we are on the wrong track. He honours our having sought his will.What about the times when we, like the labourer, have acted without God? We have a merciful Father who, when we confess our sins, forgives us and offers us another chance.
Prayer: Father I want to live a life that has a purpose and is fruitful. I can do this only to the extent that I submit to your will. Help me please Lord to seek your will and way and to be obedient in following it. In Jesus' name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Ag hoe waar is dit nie. Ek glo dat solank as wat ons ons eie lewens leef tot voordeel van ons eie soeke na geluk, prestasie, rykdom plesier of wat ook al ons nie God se wil ernstig en opreg soek nie. Genadiglik dien ons die groot Begenadiger ne? En soos in Abraham en Sara se verhaal gebruik God selfs ons eie "swak" keuses en besluite om uiteindelik Sy wil te laat geskied. Ek dink altyd aan Abraham se "keuse" met Hagar. Ek bid opreg dat ons SY wil sal soek maar dat Hy ook ons genadig sal wees.
