Volgens Wikipedia: Birthday is the name given to the date of the anniversary of the day of a person's birth.
Dit klink so "boring", is dit nie? Maar eintlik is verjaarsdae "boring", mens sien so uit na die dag en as dit gebeur, is dit maar net nog 'n dag! Maar hierdie aanhalings oor verjaarsdae gee mens se eie, unieke dag, heeltemal 'n ander kleur. Lees bietjie wat se die bekendes (en minder bekendes), van Verjaarsdae...
Is dit nie pragtig nie?
"The more things change, the more they remain the same." --
Alphonse Karr So waar...
"A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age." --
Robert Frost Voorwaar 'n slim man... ek dink nie hy is so gebore nie...!
"Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest." --
Larry Lorenzoni Ha-ha!
"A well adjusted woman is one who not only knows what she wants for her birthday, but even knows what she's going to exchange it for." --
Anonymous En ook weet wat BAIE kosbaar is!
"There is still no cure for the common birthday." --
John Glenn Dis nou 'n feit soos 'n koei, ons almal het verjaarsdae, maak nie saak hoe jonk of oud, ryk of arm ons is nie
"Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again." --
Menachem Mendel Schneerson Hierdie is my "favourite"!
"We know we're getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it." --
Anonymous Hmm... dis nou as die "hot flushes" ons in elk geval daaraan herinner!
"A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip." --
Anonymous Ek het besluit om elke dag, vir die volgende 365 dae, iets spesiaals te doen (enige idees?)
"Birthdays are just nature's way of telling us to eat more cake." - -
Anonymous Ek't nie 'n verjaarsdag nodig om my te laat koek eet nie :O)
"Think of birthdays this way: you're not getting older, you're getting wiser."--
Anonymous Ek weet nie altyd of dit so waar is nie...
"You have no birthday because you have always lived; you were never born, and never will die. You are not the child of the people you call mother and father, but their fellow-adventurer on a bright journey to understand the things that are." --
Richard Bach Dis diep... ek dink nie ons is veronderstel om ... " to understand the things that are" nie. Miskien net 'n bietjie daarvan!
"Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end." --
Richard Bach Hierdie is pragtig, wens ek kon al die pragtige wense wat ek op my verjaarsdag gekry het, in botteltjies prop en op 'n rak sit (langs die pienk spookasem wolke). sal dit nie lekker wees om elke af en toe een oop te maak en van voor af te geniet nie
Hierdie aanhaling kry ek vanoggend:

On seeing his shadow fall on such ancient rocks, he had to question himself in a different context and ask the same old question as before, "Who am I?", and the answer now came more emphatically than ever before, "No-one." But a no-one with a crown of light about his head. He would remember a verse from
Pindar: "Man is a dream about a shadow. But when some splendour falls upon him from God, a glory comes to him and his life is sweet." ~
R. S. Thomas ~