Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Personification of Joy

Ek lees vandag die Gebed: "You could have made me perfect, Jesus, but You didn’t. Instead, You made me just the way You wanted me. To doubt that, is to doubt Your love, but to realize that, is to find perfect peace, security, and rest in Your love. Take me now, just as I am, into Your heart of hearts. Amen". Is dit nie absoluut profound nie - as ons kla oor al ons tekortkominge en gebreke, twyfel ons eintlik in God se liefde vir ons! Ek het eendag die tekening gesien met die byskrif: The Personification of Joy. As ons tog maar net so voluit kan leef soos wat Jesus vir ons die voorbeeld is...

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